Well...endorphins are released when eating chocolate, creating a sense of happiness in the consumer (probably the reason for my addiction).Theobromine , the most commonly identified chemical in chocolate, is a stimulant similar to caffeine.The theobromine and caffeine in chocolate are physiologically addictive, prompting the chocolate craving.
How to eat chocolate:
- Please buy some good chocolate (my favorite is this 77% kind that has cocoa nibs in it)
- Eat smaller pieces and smaller amounts (yes a Hershey's bar is way too much...it contains more sugar that a woman should be eating in an entire day)
- Savor it...it's really the only way to enjoy all of the flavors. (and if you got any fancy chocolate its expensive enough that you shouldn't be gobbling it down)
Americans have been terribly misled as far as chocolate goes. All those ads for fake, gross Hershey's chocolate...whose sweetness burns my throat and leaves me gasping for some kind of drink to get the taste of tons of sugar out of my mouth...why do people even pay attention to them? Dark chocolate is really the only chocolate worth eating...it has even been proven that eating small amounts of dark chocolate everyday can help reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
So not only is chocolate delicious but it's kinda good for you!
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